Sustainability is a continuous journey.

Our approach to sustainability was multifaceted and multifaceted, touching on many issues we cared about.

The journey towards full awareness and operationalisation of sustainable content started a long time ago and continues now, and will be more and more meaningful in the future.

There are three cornerstones on which we have built: good corporate governance, social responsibility and respect for the environment. Three fundamental points that interact with each other to fully define the concept of sustainability.

We are proud to present our first Sustainability Report 2023*, which is not only a snapshot of our achievements to date, but also a collection and structuring of data that will enable us to take increasingly targeted and effective action in the future.

The goals we set and achieved are in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Education, gender equality, renewable energy, dignity at work, innovation and responsible consumption are the points we have worked on most within the company and towards the social fabric in which we operate.

We are satisfied with the concrete results achieved and motivated to do better and better.

Because Sustainability is a continuous path of growth and improvement.

Happy reading.

*This document was produced with the support of s-mood sustainable solutions srl, a professional sustainability consulting company (